Професионален технически анализ & пазарно проучване

by Trading Central

Trading central
От световния лидер във финансовите проучвания.

FxPro си партнира с Трейдинг централата за да помогне на нашите членове да формулират поверителни, навременни и начетени инвестиционни решения. Комплектът от динамични продукти е достоен за Вас чрез нашата платформа, като се усъвършенства постоянно още от 1999 за да Ви подкрепи по най- добрия начин във финансирането, удостоверяването и синхронизирането на Вашите сделки.

Traders spend a lot of time analysing the market, creating their own forecasts and building a daily technical strategy. The difficulty with that lies in trying to keep on top of all the current news and events, especially if trading is carried out using several instruments at once. Third-party analytics can help with this issue, but in order to use them, a trader needs to be confident in their quality and reliability.
Trading Central is here to help our traders. For the past several years, the company has been the market leader in providing users with proven information on Forex technical analysis. It provides a view and explanations on a range of instruments gathered via different sources: from graphical patterns and monitoring of levels to analysing the values of almost all indicators available on the MT4/MT5 platforms.

Trading Central is a consulting firm that operates in the field of technical analysis of forex trading. Working in the industry for 20 years, the company has the widest global coverage with offices in the US, France, Great Britain, Canada, China, and Cyprus. It monitors a large number of instruments in different classes, from currencies to stocks.


The system provides Forex technical analysis online, analyses support and resistance levels and gives intraday and long-term forecasts.

A significant part of market analysis is detected by Trading Central systems automatically, however, such a high level of forecasting is impossible without a team of professional analysts. The company's specialists use the most advanced technical analysis tools in the industry to gather all of the comprehensive and in-depth information. Their decisions are based on building price corridors and resistance levels, digital and graphical indicators for various classes, as well as recognizing candlestick patterns.

Trading Central’s forecasts are much more accurate as from their analysts follow up-to-speed trend corrections. For instance, if technical analysis gives a trend with support and resistance bands then the entry point will usually be determined during the correction which is when the price drops before returning to its upward trend.

Trading Central specializes in the technical analysis, so traders have an opportunity to use in-depth graphical analysis and mathematical indicators to confirm the key price levels, as well as special candlestick charts to confirm trend reversal or acceleration.

When using analytical materials, keep in mind that the green lines on the Trading Central charts indicate the resistance levels; the red ones indicate the support levels, and the blue line depicts an alternative scenario.

Although Trading Central have always been a paid service before, FxPro provides its clients with this option free of charge.

Open a trading account with FxPro Direct today to get full access to the exclusive technical analysis online.

Key benefits of Trading Central:

  • Reduction of any trader’s day to day burden of analysing large amounts of data, due to automatic level-building and trend detection;
  • Hundreds of intraday trading ideas for various tools that are difficult to manage manually;
  • Long-term forecasts for pivot levels directly within the MT4/MT5 platforms;
  • Opportunity to spot an idea from several indicators simultaneously;
  • Automatic detection of Japanese candlestick patterns.
Become an FxPro member today to gain instant access to Trading Central's award-winning research:

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MT4 индикатори
Вашият изпитан източник за нива на таргети... Направо в MT4!

Този набор от новаторски MT4 индикатори Ви помага да идентифицирате нови възможности за сделки, предпазващ механизъм от странични пазари и подобрява Вашето времево синхронизиране на влизане/излизане за увеличаване на инвестиционните доходи. Грабнете мигновено становище за предпочитаната от нас посока, заедно с таргет нивата или разкрийте нашия алтернативен сценарий, на базата опростена поддръжка и линиите на преместване!

Платформа за проучване
Директна поддръжка по време на действието.

Платформата е Вашата отправна дестинация за сбити, ориентиращи прогнози за над 8,000 инструмента! На базата на спечелилите въз основа на макро методологията на Трейдинг централата, всеки анализ предоставя ключови технически детайли за акцията за да Ви помогне да придобиете ясна представа за сценария, който Ви е необходим в момента.